This is the new site and is now being used to deliver new and exciting news. This news source goes into detail about radio talk show host Clyde himself. It will touch into further detail about the information that he discusses on his show. Information such as the conspiracy theories he believes in and why and how he has come to those conclusions. is the news source to read more in depth of the mind of Clyde himself. With radio talk show, ground zero, being such a hit we decided to use as a news source to really allow listeners to engage on a deeper level. Have you have ever wondered about paranormal activity and government conspiracies? Than is the perfect news site to discuss these events with others. Explore and enter a user base that discusses theories in interesting details that will have you second guessing. is a news source that follows Clyde every move and show. We can connect you directly when shows are live and you can freely ask questions to Mr. Lewis on air. With his podcast streaming live for all to listen, engage in theories and see what everyone is talking about. is the only news source worth reading on the internet and blows regular news out of the water. Stop listening to only what the news wants you to hear and start learning the facts from Look back on past episodes on and read about the show and old news topics. Share your ideas and read how others feel about the news topics that are shared. Engage and interact with others in our blog topics of the week on is the only news site where you can show your true emotions on how you really feel about the events that take place in everyday life.